Complete gay guide on how to get a straight man

If you’re wondering how exactly you get a straight guy, it’s not as hard as you think.

One problem is that most straight men run at the first sight of homosexuals, afraid that you want to pick them up; It’s true, but to be most successful, you need to approach them shrewdly, without suspecting your motives.

Approach them and be cool, talking about the typical interests of straight men. Throwing pickup lines is lame. Find common ground to exchange good conversation; hook him by being like him. He will be more interested in you this way than when you are desperately chasing his sausages and eggs.

The trick to getting a straight man is to take it easy. Seduce him by being interesting and fun, someone who makes him feel comfortable. Once you get into that comfortable zone, bring up the subject of sex. Ask him to share his sexual escapades, demanding vivid and detailed stories. A sure way to get a straight man is to have him so horny that all he would want is an instant release, with you.

Direct attention to your package. Suggest that your beak is powerful and deserves worship. Casually drop the chance for big men to give head, who knows how to love a gadget than one who actually has one? He might protest, but you can get a straight guy by stating emphatically that it’s no big deal, it doesn’t even make him gay.

At this point, your straight man could be seething and practically begging you to suck him off.

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