Clean the fridge: how to keep your fridge spotless

The refrigerator is an active place. With food and drink continually coming and going, there are always spills and crumbs that need to be cleaned up. Here are some tips to make this cleaning process quick and easy:

  • Mix two tablespoons of baking soda with one liter of lukewarm water. Wash the interior with this solution. Make a paste of baking soda to scrub up hard-to-clean spills. Rinse and dry.
  • If your refrigerator is prone to mold, clean the interior with white vinegar.
  • Use warm water and dishwashing detergent to clean removable shelves and glass parts. Avoid using hot water on plastic parts as the temperature difference can cause cracking.
  • Clean the exterior of the refrigerator with a mild soap and water solution, a mild all-purpose cleaner, or a stainless steel cleaner. Remember to wash the rubber gasket on the door.
  • Line the crisper drawer with a layer of paper towels. This will absorb excess moisture common in this drawer and make it easier to clean up any crumbs.
  • Dust the top of the refrigerator and use an all-purpose cleaner to remove any dirt or grease. Consider covering the top of the refrigerator with a piece of cloth, such as a placemat, that can be thrown in the washing machine; this will make cleaning up to the top of the refrigerator quick and easy.
  • Four times a year, vacuum the dust and lint from the condenser coils on the back or bottom of the refrigerator.
  • To keep your fridge smelling fresh, use a box of baking soda or dip a cotton ball in lemon extract and place in an open cup on the bottom shelf.
  • Avoid putting meat in its original packaging directly on a shelf. Place it on a plate or in a plastic tub to catch the juices that often spill.

Be sure to organize your food when you return it to the refrigerator. Group related items together and designate a part of a shelf for each. Keep condiments, cheeses, drinks, etc. together. Be sure to take advantage of vegetable bins to store fresh produce. These drawers are designed to maintain a low level of humidity to keep items fresh. Use the door shelves to store frequently used items and store leftover items toward the front of the refrigerator so you don’t forget them.

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