Category: Technology

Does Windows 10 Home include Word and Excel?

Since Office is a free application that comes pre-installed with Win 10. Therefore, you do not need to subscribe to use it. The point is, Microsoft finds it difficult to promote this app. Some consumers just don’t know that there is an online version of Microsoft Office, which includes...

Five ways to ROCK 2014!

As the new year is already on its way, some of us are already on the hip in the hustle and bustle of our business. And if we’re not careful, we’ll sink into that hustle and lose sight of the big picture of our business. Here are five ways...

What are the best websites for uploading and sharing audio files?

The music industry has undergone prosperous changes for a decade and has always come up with new creative innovations every time. This is because every day the industry sees new races of talent accompanied by new melodies and compositions. And, there are various platforms that support them and give...

Corporate wellness: just a buzzword?

No longer.With nearly 48% of our waking hours at work, along with the United States ranking as the fattest nation in the world, corporate wellness isn’t just a fluffy HR buff, it’s a business necessity that has business implications. powerful for corporations, their employees and society. whole. Few will...

Nintendo consoles

The following can be considered an informative evaluation of Nintendo consoles from the original Nintendo Entertainment System to the Nintendo Wii and Wii points. There is a lot of information and difference when it comes to console launches in Japan compared to North America. This article will focus on...

Apple phones: for unique features that only an iPhone user can enjoy

Let’s admit it. Deep down, we all feel a bit of envy when we see someone enjoying the benefits of an Apple iPhone. After all, who couldn’t resist the simple and easy-to-use interface, attractive designs, great reliability, exciting app store, and finally the great user experience that Apple phones...