Category: Shopping Product Reviews

Turtle Ears – Does your pet turtle recognize your voice?

A turtle drawing, with a simple question scrawled across the bottom, “Where are the turtle ears?” it arrived on my desk the other day. The drawing, sketched by a small child, showed the tortoise without ears. The boy asked me “How do you hear?” In fact, turtles have ears,...

Messaging services to reduce geographical barriers

Once upon a time the couriers were the only way to send letters and post offices also dealt with parcels. Although it was a very slow affair, people used it because it was the only option available. Then gradually private courier companies started to spring up, but at first...

What to expect from Lasik eye surgery

I suffered from vision problems for most of my life and previously had to wear glasses or contacts to see anything more than 10 feet away. This was an inconvenience that affected me in many different ways. Going to the pool or playing sports was a hassle, and driving...

How To Repair Dll Files When They Encounter Windows Errors

Most likely, people do not pay much attention to DLL files until they are associated with DLL errors on Windows based PC. When files get corrupted, they can negatively affect your computer’s performance. Sometimes a computer virus disguises itself as a .DLL file. This situation can definitely pose a...

pop art vector

Step 1: Pop Art Vector To start our pop art vector tutorial, we’ll start with a line drawing of the face in the foreground. This line drawing could be with simple strokes, nothing too complicated. Next, we’ll create the shadows with objects filled with solid black. Use the Pen...

Getting the most out of aging electronics

When our beloved little gadgets break down, we often run around in circles feeling like our right hand has been cut off. Those who work on computers often feel a bit bereft when the internet has a problem, so they’ll know how that feels too. However, with the advent...

iPhones VS Androids, their differences and similarities

There is a buzz of excitement in the media and telecommunications circle as iPhone and Android users vie for which is the champion of its kind when it comes to mobile technology. From a productivity point of view, both devices have their differences and similarities. However, depending on the...

The green man, Venus and its place in modern life

Tannhäuser and Venus – Still Showstoppers The recently completed revival of Tannhäuser at the Deutsche Oper in Berlin broke all records for stupidity, but it’s the production we’ll remember. Was it the 40 on-stage hospital beds for the exhausted returning pilgrims, or the 20 suits of armor that were...

Is it feasible to invest in Bitcoin?

You are most likely reading this article after the latest Bitcoin value jump frenzy that saw it just shy of the $20,000 mark. Now you are looking for reasons to invest in this cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. Here are some of the reasons why you should: MORE TO COME...