Category: Real Estate

What to look for in a commercial real estate lease

Trying to understand the lease terms of a commercial property can seem like navigating a minefield: there is a lot of new terminology and industry jargon to understand. When it comes to negotiating, some landlords may try to pass off a lease document as a “standard lease” that all...

News and insights on real estate and homeowners

Count on it: energy “vampires” cost you money With energy prices skyrocketing in recent months, so-called “energy vampires” are attracting new attention. Vampires can be found in almost all household appliances, including televisions, telephones, fax machines, washers, and dryers. These power devices keep electronics and appliances on “standby” for...

3 Tips for Buying a Salvation Army Car

The Salvation Army purchases vehicles through donations. Sometimes these are vehicles that the owners no longer need, for various reasons and are in reasonably good condition. Sometimes they are vehicles that are damaged or mechanically defective and the previous owners have chosen not to repair, sell or trade them....

8 Steps To Be A Successful Forex Trader

By definition, being a successful Forex trader means being a trader who makes more winning trades than losers, and more importantly, wins than losses. I found that many traders who quit the Forex market for good after getting badly burned in the first few weeks of their short trading...

Bankruptcy and your vehicle

The collectors are calling you and everyone you know, your wages are about to be garnished and you can barely afford necessities. You know you need to file bankruptcy. So what’s stopping you, the fear of losing your car, truck or motorcycle? In most cases, when you file bankruptcy,...