Category: Real Estate

What does "stuck in transit" to mean?

Each courier has a number of different status updates that they can issue based on the information they receive from their drivers during their routes. Each Arkansas delivery service may have slightly different designations for the states they assign to shipments, but there is one that is pretty universal...

All online personal training programs are not created equal

Many online personal training programs amount to little more than an overpriced email sales pitch. The accounts of this are staggering! You sign up for an online personal training program that promises you the world and end up getting a workout routine and diet plan from an automatically generated...

Business Tax Strategies: What Works and What Doesn’t

It’s the middle of December and it’s time for Solopreneurs and all freelancers to think about how much money we’ll be giving to the tax man this year. Tax planning is often a priority as the year winds down, but keep in mind that obsessing over taxes isn’t always...

The history of American TransAir

Indianapolis-based American Trans Air, once an emerging airline, was continually searching for an identity. Established in 1973 as aircraft supplier to the Ambassador Travel Club, it launched service with a single Boeing 720 named “Miss Indy”, doubling its fleet five years later with a second, “Spirit of Indiana”. But...

Why is a pre-employment background check so important?

A pre-employment background check can be very beneficial to any employer. The technology behind today’s search engines makes the results much more complete. These searches allow employers to make the best choice of employees among the large number of job seekers. Background checks nowadays are very revealing. Most people...

The benefits of using a second mortgage

A second mortgage is a secondary loan secured against property. If this loan defaults, the initial loan must be paid off first. These loans are taken out for a variety of reasons and are commonly used as a source of emergency financing. A mortgage can be obtained as an...

The WAYS to sell houses

When a homeowner determines, for whatever reason, that it is time to sell their home, there are many considerations, and ROADS to consider! Why one wants to sell, and whether it’s to go up, or realizes, you need to downsize, are relevant, as is, how quickly you need to...

Who else wants a beautiful luxury kitchen?

If you thought that luxury kitchen cabinets are only the privilege of the rich, the elite and the celebrities, you are wrong. Kitchens are the busiest and most expensive room in the house. Kitchens are very complex rooms that have to work on many levels. Everyone deserves a beautiful...