Category: Pets

Voodoo Priest Pa Neezer

Each week we are profiling a famous voodoo priest or priestess, telling their story and recounting their most powerful spells in a moment to highlight the true power of this misunderstood art. This week we explore the story of Pa Neezer, a contemporary voodoo priest and Obeah man from...

Communicate with your deaf cat

By understanding and responding to your deaf cat’s unique needs, the two of you will develop a closer relationship and better communication skills. A sensitive pet owner can learn by observing how their pet reacts and adjusts to its environment. It takes time, perseverance and patience for both the...

Viking Mystery in Michigan – White Indians

Rune Mysteries: Michigan White Indians Michigan is full of Viking artifacts dating back to 1000 AD In 1876, Johan Bauer from the town of Wallsange, Sweden, went in search of the “Rings and Runes of Kolberg.” He found them and began his search for runic mysteries throughout his life....

Large dog breeds

Living with a large, active breed of dog can be an exceptionally satisfying experience. However, although a large dog breed can become ideal for countless people; Potential owners must be well-known about many different considerations, including health problems and decreased life expectancy of countless large dog breeds. We take...

The Golden Retriever: a noble breed

Who doesn’t want to be better informed about the golden retriever breed? Known for their intelligence, kindness, kindness, loyalty, and willingness to work, goldens are the favorite breed of families. Their strong attributes make them excellent hunting dogs, guide and service dogs, and search and rescue dogs. Its distinctive...

Facts about dog adoption

What do I know about adopting dogs? I have always adopted a dog instead of buying it. It seems correct: there are so many unwanted dogs in the world that need good homes. And adopting a dog can be incredibly rewarding despite some potential initial problems. So far I...

Walking with the Maasai and other adventures

As they collided on the road to Maasai Mara, they heard a helicopter flying low. This was Di and Leonie’s first day of safari and a Kenyan Wildlife Service (KWS) helicopter was driving an elephant back to the park. What an exciting way to start your week in Kenya!...

SEO Resellers and the Importance of Physical Appearance

They have always taught us not to judge people by their appearance. Our parents, teachers and even textbooks say that it is not fair to judge someone without first knowing them personally. However, the truth is that most of us are born critics, and we can’t help being critical...

Munchausen by proxy with pets

As a herbalist with a special interest in natural dog and cat health care, I can observe many different relationships between owners and their pets. Over the years, I have seen a small number of pet owners exhibit some strange psychological behavior. This behavior follows the classic symptoms of...