Category: Lifestyle Fashion

Green tea as a natural remedy for yeast infection

Fortunately, there are many things you can do to prevent yeast infections in the first place. A home remedy for thrush is to simply drink good quality fresh green tea every day. Organic green tea would be even better. Also, limit the amount of sweets you eat. Candida reproduces...

Revealed: Grandma’s Secret Tips for Getting Rid of a Yeast Infection

Initially, like most people, I too opted for the conventional method of yeast treatment instead of natural cures. It was only after a second relapse that it occurred to me that this method might not be effective after all. Antibiotics and over-the-counter medications simply offer symptomatic relief without addressing...

History of ear measurement in tribal civilizations

A study of the history of ear measurement indicates that the practice is as old as recorded human history. For men, this form of ear piercing has been a status symbol, while for women, in addition to being used as a means of body decoration, it has also been...

How enzymes, lecithin and chlorophyll reduce acne

Systemic Enzymes If you have recent acne scars or pockmarks, you may be able to remove them using a product called Vitalzym. You won’t hear this from your doctor or dermatologist, but systemic enzymes such as serapeptase, found in Vitalzym, can remove excess fibrin, which forms the scar tissue...

Dating tips for women over 40

It’s safe to say that when you’re over 40, the dating game changes significantly. You are not imagining it. In fact, the challenges of dating women over 40 are so specific that getting good advice is critical to finding love with less heartache, pain, and confusion. (Fact: More than...

skin care routine

What is the first thing we notice about another person’s appearance? . . Her face, of course. The era of proper facial skin care just for women is over. Men are now appreciating the value of “good” skin every day we age. Whether you have acne, wrinkles, freckles, or...

9 Quick Ways to Completely Heal Acne Scars

There is no doubt that acne is difficult to treat, but it is the scars that make it so terrible that we pray with all our might to avoid it. Before you spend your money on expensive acne scar treatments, here are 9 quick and effective home remedies that...

How to know if your hair is thinking

I often have readers with TE (Telogen Effluvium), CTE (Chronic Telogen Effluvium) and AGA (Androgenic Alopecia or Genetic Thinning) write me and ask me how to tell if this shedding or hair loss is weakening their hair (or growing thinner.) After all, rapid and healthy growth often ensures that...

Ironing boards – Helping to make ironing less monotonous

Ironing clothes is a tedious but necessary household chore. However, it can be made easier by using a good quality ironing board and there is a huge selection on the market today. An ironing board has a flat, padded surface on which clothes are placed to be ironed, usually...