Category: Lifestyle Fashion

Can change happen in an instant?

You hear motivational speakers say it all the time, but many still wonder if change can happen in an instant. This is a story of how quickly change can happen even when you’re not looking for it. On the Chicago projects late one night, everyone in the house was...

Could your health problems be caused by neurotoxins?

Neurotoxins are tiny compounds that can come from exposure to pathogens like bacteria and fungi; in these cases, they are known as biotoxins. Neurotoxins can also be free radicals. They create problems in the body that can lead to disease and premature death. Free radicals are tiny harmful particles...

Vaginal candidiasis and hot tubs

Many women around the world have questions about their bodies regarding yeast infections. While yeast infections primarily affect women, they can also affect men. Men often get yeast infections as a result of having unprotected sex with a woman who has a yeast infection. Yeast infections can be spread...

Is laser hair removal permanent?

In recent years, laser hair removal has become the most important non-surgical procedure in the world. Laser hair removal provides “permanent hair reduction” according to the FDA. This does not necessarily mean that it will not remove all the hair, but the total amount of hair removed may vary....

Yes, you can make canned soup taste like homemade!

Minnesota has been frozen for months, with temperatures as low as minus 20 and wind chills starting at minus 45-50. Although the evening television news is full of stories about frozen pipes, the broadcasts have not mentioned frostbite or frozen stomachs. However, news outlets urge parents to bundle up...

How to set healthy boundaries

What is a limit? In a physical sense, it’s easy to understand that a boundary marks where your property begins and where your neighbor’s property ends. You are responsible for your property, but not for anything that happens on your neighbor’s property. Although not so easy to mark, our...

An introduction to Reiki healing

I have been receiving/practicing Reiki for the last ten years, working my way through levels one, two and three, finally progressing to Reiki Master in 2005. I was first introduced to Reiki during a time when I was under a great deal of stress. I was lucky that the...