Category: Arts Entertainments

5 reasons Jeremy Lin is better than Lebron James

“Linsanity” has taken over sports headlines around the world, and for good reason. Never before has the NBA witnessed a “come out of nowhere” story like Jeremy Lin’s. Yes, “witnessed,” and I don’t mean “Witness,” the Nike campaign that catapulted Lebron James to Michael Jordan notoriety in 2007 after...

U2 singing to glory

U2 is a very popular rock band from Ireland. The rock band consists of four members in the group, which is lead guitarist and vocalist Bono, The Edge, Adam Clayton, Larry Mullen, Jr. The band was formed 33 years ago in 1976. In 4 years, U2 became a sensation...

Bullfighting: a dance with death

Even though most people have the impression that bullfighting is exclusive to the whitewashed towns of Ronda, in Andalusia, Malaga and Seville (although they are not towns, they are also in Andalusia), they are really fantastic places to see a bullfight, along with Madrid. Ronda is the original place...

A rowdy guy who made pro wrestling fans smile

In 2015, the world of sports and entertainment lost a legend who passed away too young. “Rowdy” Roddy Piper died of a heart attack at the age of 61. Born Roderick George Toombs in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada in 1954, Piper was a professional wrestling superstar whose interviews on “Piper’s...

Why is Nutrition Facts the Key to a Healthy Diet?

Ideally, everyone should know the nutritional content of the food they eat. The rule is applicable to all people, regardless of whether they are fat or not. You can’t compromise on proper nutrition, and one way to ensure proper nutrition is to check the nutrition facts on the labels...

The Fang mouthguard and primeval fear

Have you ever been surprised by something scary with big sharp teeth? Sports psychologists speculate that fear can destroy the will of the opponent in athletic competition. Imagine looking across the ring to see a fighter with the appearance of fangs. Would your willingness to compete be affected? Now...

Professional style as a hobbyist

When I started boxing, I had a textbook on fan posture and style; hands up, left hand about six inches from chin, fairly upright stance, and active defense with a focus on “cover and counter” pace. It wasn’t long before my coach took me aside and told me this...

How far will the Nigerian Super Eagles go?

What are the chances of the Nigerian Super Eagles in the first world cup to be held on the African continent? My guess is as good as yours or maybe not. People have been reacting to what they believe would be another embarrassing exit for Nigeria in South Africa,...