5 reasons Jeremy Lin is better than Lebron James

“Linsanity” has taken over sports headlines around the world, and for good reason. Never before has the NBA witnessed a “come out of nowhere” story like Jeremy Lin’s. Yes, “witnessed,” and I don’t mean “Witness,” the Nike campaign that catapulted Lebron James to Michael Jordan notoriety in 2007 after Lebron led the Cavs to the NBA Finals. Like a breath of fresh air, Jeremy Lin is showing why he deserves the basketball crown and should be considered the King of the NBA, not Lebron. Here are 5 reasons why:

1. Who is Jeremy Lin?

While Lebron James was being harassed by cameras since the seventh grade and had a high-fives with Jay-Z in his locker room after high school basketball games, Jeremy Lin practiced jump shots alone in the gym and then headed home. to do your homework. There is something refreshing about the boy that no one had heard of a year ago and who is now on top of the world. It’s inspiring and helps show that ordinary people can often be successful, not just those born with a chip on their shoulder.

2. Division I talent with an Ivy League brain

Jeremy Lin is smart. He speaks well, seems more humble than an intern, and acknowledges his peers whenever he can. Lebron is all talent, all muscle, and all Lebron James. After the famous “Decision” that aired as a television miniseries, Lebron never came to the Cleveland market in the public eye to thank them for their support and explain his thought process. Jeremy Lin has been open and honest every step of the way, not hiding the fact that he had to sacrifice a lot of time to get to where he is today, even sleeping on his brother’s couch and persevering even after being cut off not one, but twice.

3. Yes, he is Asian-American

If it is. And it’s not racist, it’s the truth. And it’s an inspiration to all minorities, not just Asians who finally have “one of their own” to support. Anyone who is a minority, be it Black, Irish, Asian, Jewish, Italian, and most of the other cultures that make up the immigrant foundation of the United States, have been persecuted. Lebron never had to face the bigotry Jeremy Lin now faces in headlines and layup lines. Lebron was always loved or hated for his basketball skills, not for his ethnicity. Jeremy Lin has persevered in countering anti-Asian insults with points and assists, like a true role model.

4. It’s like you and me

Whether it’s the YouTube videos that make us laugh, the Twitter tweets that show a glimpse of NBA life for those of us who simply dream of what it must feel like, or the stories of signing autographs until the gym empties, Jeremy Lin is a normal guy. . A year ago I was a nobody, and with that comes the ability of people to relate. Lebron James was pampered and placed on a pedestal for years. He was a superhero in the eyes of many. Jeremy Lin is part of the common people. He is someone we would like to play with in an open gym and a person we would be honored to call not only a teammate, but also a friend.

Whether or not Jeremy Lin’s career is as fruitful and legendary as Lebron James’s is far from probable, but there is no denying that the young man from California, from Harvard, who has just resurrected basketball in the city of New York is so far from it. tall like the Empire State Building. Right now, he’s more important than Lebron James to basketball and humanity.

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