Category: Arts Entertainments

sons of the grave

We love our children and we want the best for them, the best food, the best education, the best career. But how should we approach the most important question of all: “Is there a God?” What happens when they ask “Where do I come from?” and “What happens when...

How athletes use hypnosis to win

Athletes are always very competitive by nature and want to win the gold medal every time they join the competitions. Being more motivated than the rest of the pack is actually a competitive advantage an athlete can have that can bring home the bacon. Some athletes fail to take...

What is Love SMS?

(I love you) = Three little words. But they contain a world of meaning and the seeds of new generations. Love SMS messages are too active in recent web surfing. When it is said that with the right combination of feeling, seriousness, emotion and adoration, they are all strong...

Attendance and Punctuality Cost Large Companies Money

If you’ve ever just watched people at work, you’ll find that many times they’re late or completely missing work for days on end. We may be able to make a connection in our reasoning that all these people who are 10 minutes late can add up to a lot...

Dear Class of 2020: An Open Letter to Graduates

Dear Class of 2020: I’ve seen Facebook challenge us to post our senior photos in support of you, but I honestly don’t see how that will comfort you. It seems exactly the opposite to me. It feels like we’re putting it in your face that we have to have...

gay and christian? It’s Okay: Why Sodom Was Really Destroyed

These days it is commonly alleged that Sodom was destroyed by homosexuality, but the Bible in the original languages, as well as other literature of the time, states that the reason was the sexual union of disobedient angels (known as “The Watchers”). with humans Jude states that certain angels...

Priming, Passion and Public Fashion

Is it our imagination or does it seem like the pubic area is getting ready to go out into the public? Those who are already there, now aspire to be the Pubic Goddess! It’s not just about personal hygiene anymore, it’s an entire industry of passion for grooming and...

What is the 11th reason you can’t find love?

I already talked about how people look for magic. Today I want to address what the relationships were like and how the media changed the use to work. This idea of ​​romance is new in human history. He is about 170 years old. Before that, marriages were arranged or...