Benefits of vitamin D12 for your health and well-being

The 12 benefits of an adequate amount of vitamin D3 (COLECALCIFEROL) are easily identified in the medical literature. These benefits show up in enough different places to assume the studies are valid.

  1. Adequate levels of vitamin D3 protect against breast cancer. One problem with cancer cells is that they don’t kill themselves when they’re supposed to. They keep dividing and reproducing. It lives. D receptors are present on most cells in our bodies and help trigger proper cell death, identifying the correct cells for the immune system to kill.
  2. The same goes for colon (large intestine) cancer. Both colon cancer and breast cancer are increasing in people of color. The same people are more likely to have lower levels of vitamin D3 in their blood. People with more pigment in their skin need 30% more sun exposure to make enough cholecalciferol. Anyone, and especially dark-skinned people, need to supplement if they live in northern latitudes that have more months of reduced sunshine per year.
  3. Vitamin D regulates the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, which are necessary for healthy bones. Low levels of D3 are associated with poor bone development in children and softening of the bones in adults, called osteopenia if mild or osteoporosis if advanced.
  4. Vitamin D3 is associated with proper immune function. Not coincidentally, the “cold season” is during the winter months when there is less sunshine.
  5. Brain health depends on several factors and one of them is adequate levels of vitamin D3.
  6. Maintaining adequate levels of vitamin D3 in our blood and tissues is associated with slowing down aging changes in our bodies. Do you want to maintain your vitality for longer? Make sure you get enough vitamin D in your diet or enough sunlight in your life.
  7. Certain female gynecological infections are associated with inadequate blood levels of vitamin D3. Bacterial vaginosis is the most common and the most difficult to control. If you have vaginitis and it doesn’t go away, check your blood levels of 25OH vitamin D.
  8. Insulin is a very important hormone, but it can be secreted too much or too little. Vitamin D helps regulate insulin secretion.
  9. Many patients, especially women, complain of joint pain and fatigue. Some of them have been given the diagnosis of Fibromyalgia. Inadequate blood levels of D3 are associated with these aches, pains, and fatigue. Check your 25OH vit D levels or take a therapeutic trial of 1000 IU/day and keep a diary of your symptoms.
  10. Autoimmune disorders wreak havoc on the tissues of our body. Common diseases caused by autoimmune dysfunction are diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and hypothyroidism. Adequate levels of Vit. D3 in the blood and tissues decreases the risk and severity of such diseases.
  11. Hypertension is associated with inadequate blood and tissue levels of various minerals and vital substances such as potassium, calcium, selenium, and you guessed it Vit. D3.
  12. Vitamin D3, if maintained at adequate levels in the blood, is associated with a lower risk of death from any cause. It’s not a cure-all, but it obviously plays a bigger role in our health than has been thought for years.

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