Acupressure therapy: health in your hands and feet

Acupressure therapy was known in India even 5000 years ago, unfortunately, it was not properly preserved and went to Sri Lanka (Ceylon) in the form of acupuncture. From Sri Lanka, this therapy was brought to China and Japan by Buddhist monks or nomadic Aryans who brought it there and today China is teaching Acupuncture to the world. This therapy was known by the redskins since the 16th century. In the 20th century, research has been carried out in the US that has greatly contributed to the development of this therapy. It is practiced by many allopathic and naturopathic doctors there, now the World Health Organization has also paid attention to this simple and easy therapy.

The word “acupressure” is related to “acupuncture.” Acu means needle and Puncture means to pierce. Acupuncture is the art of treating illness by piercing specific points on the body. Acupressure means the art of treating diseases by applying pressure to specific points with the help of the thumb, figure or crowbar (wooden or rubber stick).


The purpose of acupressure is to promote the body’s own healing power. When key acupressure points on the surface of the skin are pressed, muscle tension is released and the circulation of the body’s blood and vital energy, which the Chinese call “chi” energy, is promoted. Acupressure can be used to treat numerous conditions; These include the effects of daily stress, headaches, neck and shoulder pain, aches and pains, allergies, menstrual difficulties, fatigue, anxiety, and back pain, etc.


Acupressure should not be used for certain conditions that require medical attention, such as burns, ulcers, or serious infections. Caution should be used with the use of abdominal pressure points, especially when the patient is ill, and the abdominal area should be avoided when the patient has a life-threatening illness, such as bowel cancer or pregnancy.


Acupressure uses pressure that is usually applied with the thumb, fingers, or an acupressure device called a jimmy. Blockage of energy along these meridians can cause physical discomfort, pain, tension and stress. The stimulation points remove the blockage by relaxing the muscles and allowing the blood to flow more freely. It can also release an emotional block by releasing built-up tension. The pressure can also release lactic acid that builds up in the muscle tissues. Lactic acid is produced by the muscles during intense exercise and is usually removed from the blood by the liver. However, it can accumulate in the muscle. In the west, various acupressure systems are in use today, including:

  • Acu-Yoga: A system of full-body stretches and Yoga postures that press and activate points in the meridian channels.
  • Jin Shin Jyutsu: A self-help acupressure system that involves gently touching the body rather than massage-like movements.
  • Do-In: A self-acupressure system, which consists of massaging meridian points and muscles and also includes deep breathing, movement and stretching exercises.
  • Shiatsu: A vigorous technique that involves rhythmically pressing acupressure points.

During acupressure, light to medium pressure is applied to the acupressure points and rotated in a tight circle. Mainly, this is done with the fingers, thumbs and hands. Sometimes the elbows or knees are used for key pressure points. Since the most reactive points are tender or sensitive when pressed, this response helps determine the correct location. If no response can be felt, the pressure point location may not be correct or the pressure may not be strong enough. The sensation felt during an acupressure treatment should be between pleasure and pain.

Triple benefits of acupressure:

  1. Diagnosis: Instant and correct diagnosis – medical checkup without any tests.
  2. Cure: Cures all kinds of diseases including cancer/brain problems.
  3. Prevention: Prevention of all kinds of diseases includes heart problems, paralysis and even cancer.

From the point of view of health, the world could be divided into:

  • About 60%: Those people (including the unborn) who are healthy but prone to disease. With regular acupressure treatment, your illness can be prevented.
  • About 25% – Those people who are currently suffering can be cured inexpensively with the help of this science and prevent them from getting sick again.
  • About 15% – Requiring medical help, medicine and surgery. There are enough doctors and hospitals in the world that can treat these people. Subsequently, they can also be prevented from getting sick with the use of acupressure therapy.

Risks: Although acupressure can be used in combination with other forms of therapy, it should not be used as a replacement for necessary traditional medical treatment.

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