a new mythology

In the movie Mindwalk, a physicist says that “we need a new vision of the world.” This is a statement with which I wholeheartedly agree. We have risen as a species on the mechanical image of the world of RenĂ© Descartes, seeing each living being as a machine, as a clock (this comparison was made in Mindwalk). If something doesn’t work, we can take the machine apart and fix the broken part or just remove it. Thomas Moore speaks to this image in his book Care of the Soul when he writes that “it is remarkable how often people think they are better off without the things that bother them.” (p. 5) He also discusses the image of the Psychologist as the mechanic and how we are going to go to therapy and say “this is what’s wrong, now fix it”. But Moore goes on to explain what he does in dealing with this: “…I try to give back what’s problematic to the person in a way that shows the need for it, even the value of it.” (p. 6)

In our current society, we are taught that efficient operation is of the utmost importance. We work our bodies with this in mind, we train our brains to do calculations like a computer, and we see food as fuel. When there is a malfunction in the “system” we look for ways to fix or remove it as quickly and easily as possible.

But where does this leave freedom of expression, compassion and beauty? Do we have no place for these things in today’s world? I would say we have space but no one is using it.

Descartes’ image of the world and everything in it as a machine has dramatically helped us improve our lives and evolve at an incredible rate. But the bottom line is that those views are dangerous for us now. If we continue to live as we are now, the world will be a very dark place. I can see that this is already happening everywhere. I see it in ozone depletion, global warming, and the crazy speed at which we deplete our resources. I see it in the starving nations, the tortured children and animals, and the overflowing garbage dumps and waters. Mostly I see it in my own city, community and life. We give up a lot to function efficiently, as good little machines should, but we are NOT machines, our world is NOT a machine, and the beings in it are NOT machines! If we continue to hold this point of view, let this be our “world image” or our world myth, everything will die.

So what do we do about it? Of course I have many ideas in this area, as I am sure you have already guessed. First I feel that as a culture we need to embrace the feminine again, this is already happening, just take a look at the impressive growth of Goddess religions and mythologies, this would add to the already mentioned new worldview. Second, we need a new world mythology. There, the answer to all the questions that have been asked, a solution to the problems of today’s world. I know this sounds simple, but please stick with me and I’ll explain it to you.

Let me first clarify what I mean when I say that we need a new worldview and this will naturally lead to embracing the feminine. It is not a secret or a deep idea that today, technology means more than anything. Let’s take once again a quote from Moore, “…we can’t live without technology, but we can live without beauty.” (p. 278) Kala Trobe also makes this point; “We have created (as a species) a culture in which science and the rational are revered above the primal and intuitive, when, in fact, both are to be taken in equal measure.” (p. 33)

What these quotes tell me is that we cannot live without the masculine aspects of efficiency, technological advancement, and of course reason and logic, but we can live without the feminine aspects of creativity, artistry, imagination, and the emotion.

Proof of this is at the root of our culture, in our schools. Art and music programs are cut daily to make room for more logic-based disciplines like math and computers, as well as ever-evolving sports. What happens to our children when we do this, when we cut off all the creativity and fluidity of their education?

They grow up in a world very similar to ours, where efficiency and logic are key and creativity, beauty, imagination and emotion are not. They learn to be competitive, insecure with their appearance, emotions, and even their wants and needs. They learn to stifle those aspects of the feminine that their souls are crying out for.

As the beginning of our new world myth, we might first begin to consider that these two sides, masculine and feminine, are equally important. The world is alive, as are the many beings within it, and any being thrives on beauty and creativity. Instead of stifling our natural urges to create and observe things that are eternally beautiful, we could start embracing those urges. Just taking the time to really look at the world around us, watching the birds pecking at the ground, squirrels fidgeting from tree to tree, or just acknowledging that the changing seasons would have an effect on us. To do this we would first have to see the world as something alive, for me that is not difficult to do, but for others it may be, and this is where mythology could help.

We already have at our disposal an amazing collection of mythologies. There are shelves and shelves of them in every library, in every bookstore, and even in most of our homes. I agree with Carl Jung when he said that naively wishing for the good old days is a dangerous act, but that is not what I suggest we do. I am not suggesting that we go back and dig up those mythologies to read them as fact. It wouldn’t be so simple as to suggest we go back to the days of superstitions and witch trials, I certainly wouldn’t want to be burned at the stake.

What I am suggesting is that we take another look at those ancient mythologies and the many world mythologies that still exist and, with our current knowledge intact, study them for what they have to offer. Elsa-Brita Titchell explains this much more clearly in her Mythology Today article: “If we were to acknowledge the infallible wisdom, thinly veiled in all ancient traditions, the human situation would be greatly alleviated and humanity would be less likely to suffer the delayed effects of its own foolishness.” (1999). And Moore has this to say: “…we could resurrect the mythmakers of the past by reclaiming the world’s appreciation of mythologies.” (p. 221)

So how would we go about rediscovering the mythologies of the world? We can always start here, right now, bringing these mythologies into our own lives. The Tarot is a type of mythology and a good introduction to the archetypes and archetypal situations that revolve around and within mythology. Jung himself affirms, “the set of images in the Tarot cards descended distantly from the archetypes of transformation…” (p.38). Here is a start.

Then there is the creation of our own mythologies and the mythologies of our children. As parents, we instantly become creators of myths and gods for our children, and that’s a responsibility I take very seriously. Simply telling your story is always a wonderful place to start. Richard Stromer says that, “…the practice of personal mythwork can be described as any activity that engages one in deep imaginal, symbolic, metaphorical, and archetypal reflection on one’s life story.” (pg 35) Just tell your story, the story of your upbringing, your ancestors, and yourself.

Adam Blatner listed storytelling, journaling, making art, “re-enchanting everyday life, adding angels, fairies and magical moments” and “adorning” life with symbols as forms of myth-making. (2002)

I tell my son stories about the activities of our day where he plays the hero, the trickster, or whatever, and for us that is myth-making. We make up stories about magical beasts and ancestral guides playing in our lives. In our lives, a bad person becomes a lonely dragon and a difficult situation becomes the trickster at stake. We start each day by telling ourselves the dreams of the night before and we go to bed each night reciting something we did to help another being that day.

There are so many ways to let your life become a magical and mythical place. All you need is a little time and a little imagination. Let the world and the things in it become an active player in your mythology, pay attention to your dreams, and don’t be afraid to get a little creative.

Studying mythology, learning the myths of other cultures, and looking for ways in which myths play out in our own lives will have effects on us and our families that will last for generations. “The end result of such a personal encounter with mythology is nothing less than a fundamental and profound alteration in the way one sees life and relates to the world.” (Stromer, 35) According to Moore, by studying mythology we could learn to “…perceive the myths we live by every day and look at those that are particularly ours as individuals.” (p. 223)

There is a reason why mythology has lasted so long and why it still exists despite the many wars that have been waged against it. We need mythology, perhaps more now than ever. We need to be reminded of the big picture and the lasting effects of the decisions we make every day. We need to be reminded that something bigger is always happening and that each of us is not only surrounded by the sacred and divine, but we are part of that sacredness and divinity. We can choose to supercharge it or make it more magical by having our own presence. I choose to be present. And you?

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