5 Ways to Boost Your Book Progress

Whether you’re just starting your first draft or have a published book that was released a few years ago, the progress of your book depends on how much energy you put into it.

If you find your sales are plummeting or you just can’t seem to muster the enthusiasm to write, now is the ideal time to try something new and fresh. We get bored and stuck doing the same things over and over. When things feel a bit stagnant, try these ideas to recharge your enthusiasm and jump start your movement forward:

1. Plan before you write. Instead of sitting down to write and waiting for inspiration or struggling to fill the page, take a few moments before you start writing and planning first. Write down a brief summary of the key points you want to make. Do all your creative thinking about the content before you start writing so you can focus on expressing that content with a smooth flow of words as you write.

Just a few moments of planning before writing will make the writing process so much easier.

two. Join the conversation. Nothing will renew your enthusiasm for your book like conversations with real people who are interested in your topic. Update your blog, start a conversation on social media, invite some friends over for lunch, or attend a networking meeting. Try to have interesting conversations about the topic of your book so that you can experience the thrill of someone asking you about your book or telling you that they are looking forward to reading it.

The more conversations you can have with people about your book, the more feedback you’ll get, and the clearer the importance of your topic will become. This feedback and clarity will inspire him and remind him that people are waiting for his message.

3. Build your list. Building a strong opt-in list of interested future readers is a key skill for a successful author. In fact, his list is one of his most important assets. Learn more about the people on your existing list by taking a survey or contest or by calling a few of them on the phone. Learn more about what the people on your list need so you can make sure you meet those needs in your book and your business.

Spend some time attracting new people to join your list. Look for internet radio shows that would like to interview you on their topic, put out a press release, or write some articles and submit them to article banks. Make it your goal to spend time building your list each month and then nurture the people on that list by providing them with regular contact from you.

Four. Explore New Avenues. Book marketing is changing rapidly. Do some research on e-books, selling to bookstores, group selling to corporations, or marketing to gift shops. Try to learn at least one new place where you can offer your book besides your website and Amazon.

5. Increase your Line of Service. Since you’re building your business with a book, you need a line of products and services that enhance and deepen the material in your book. You may want to provide an audio program, training, or teleclass series.

Just for fun, create a small new product or service and launch it. Make this something easy, perhaps a one-session teleclass, a short-term group training program, or a live workshop in your hometown. Enjoy showing a part of your book. Watch to see how the material transforms the lives of your participants.

Not only will you enjoy the inspiration and results you get from your teaching, but you will generate additional income, which is always rewarding.

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