5 good reasons why you should never wear tight underwear!

Tight underwear makes you less of a man. This isn’t just because tight briefs make even the manliest man look like a hard-core geek and are probably the most effective form of birth control in the known world, although there is such a thing. No, tight clothing literally makes you less of a man, and here are five reasons why you should never go near tight underwear.

make you sterile

Believe it or not, there is actually a reason why your testicles are kept outside of your body instead of safely tucked inside. Basically, your sperm needs to be kept at a fairly stable temperature, around 98 degrees, and your body can automatically adjust the temperature by keeping them closer to or farther from your body.

This is why your children shrink when exposed to cold, as your body pulls them closer in an attempt to warm them up. Wearing tight underwear causes them to sit too close to the body, overheating them, which damages your sperm and makes you less fertile.

They reduce testosterone

Another side effect related to overheating is decreased testosterone. Testosterone is the essential production hormone, and having less will lead to lethargy, weaker muscles, and general malaise. So literally tight underwear makes you less of a man.

Can cause testicular torsion

Testicular torsion is a condition in which the testicles twist and twist internally. It is extremely painful, surprisingly common, and can lead to the testicle becoming gangrenous and being removed. This is usually not a problem if your testicles are free and loose, but wearing them tight can cause them to twist, leading to testicular torsion.

can lead to rashes

Tight underwear tends to turn into wet underwear when worn in any type of hot environment or when exerting yourself. This leads to your skin becoming irritated and you end up having, well, itchy genitals. This environment is also ripe for infection, so you have a much higher risk of some kind of fungus developing there. None of which will be a problem if you wear loose underwear or, better yet, no underwear at all.

they look stupid

Seriously, they just don’t look great. What good is having fertile, itch-free, sprain-free testicles if no one is around to use them? So go boxer or go commando and your boys will thank you.

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