Month: March 2023

Ecological cleaning vs conventional cleaning

Main dangerous chemicals in the home Air fresheners: many contain formaldehyde, a known and highly toxic carcinogen; Phenol: Skin contact can cause swelling, burning, scaling and hives, cold sweats, seizures, circulatory collapse, coma, and potentially death. Ammonia: harmful to eyes, respiratory tract and skin. Bleach: Highly corrosive, can irritate...

women in hip hop

Artists like the Wu Tang Clan and Tupac Shakur garnered international attention by challenging activists to fight, thinkers to think and DJs to rock the party. Rumors would say that the female artist emerged during the course of hip hop history. But the truth is that the female artist...

4 Ways to Stop Being a Heartbroken Zombie – wikiHow

Almost everyone who has been through a relationship breakup or divorce describes feeling numb for a period of time and going through the motions of life as best they could. If this sounds dramatic, it can be just as difficult and intense to experience as it sounds. With the...

CDC launches attacks on landlords

Don’t worry about the owners. They are rich. They don’t need their tenants to pay rent. I get so frustrated with closed-minded advocates that it’s hard for them to see how an action that might benefit one group harms others. They want to push their agenda, no matter the...

How to Play Fantasy Football Trust Funds

Maybe you’ve been playing fantasy sports for a while and have been asked to play in your first trusted group. Or maybe you are completely new to fantasy sports games. In any case, a trust fund is actually quite an interesting way to bet on the games. We say...

How does VoIP phone service work?

For years, businesses have been replacing their analog phone lines with VoIP phone service. In its early years, VoIP earned its own reputation among users and skeptics who touted it as unreliable; however, throughout its history, this new communication technology has grown in popularity and made its mark as...

What you need to know about the renewed lease

A renewed lease is one of the cheapest and easiest ways to lease a new car, and you don’t have to earn a high executive salary. It’s a three-way deal between a financier, an employee, and an employer. Here is an overview of this type of lease package: How...

How to use Tiffany lighting in Feng Shui

Feng shui, which teaches a person to live in harmony with their surroundings, is not just about having a room with good ch’i or energy. It is also a simple and practical guide to interior design. For this reason, feng shui can be used with almost any room style....

5 important tips for LinkedIn users

With the almost sudden emergence of the social media playground and the immediate need for everyone to join as many as they can as quickly as possible, it is often a common mistake to overlook some of the most important social networks and their features. Most ‘power users’ of...