Month: October 2022

FrameMaker vs. Word

Introduction The most important skills for a technical writer are writing, editing, and design. However, these skills are not enough to make you a successful technical writer. He must also learn to use the creation tools. The most used publishing tools are: frame maker Microsoft Word frame maker FrameMaker...

5 Winning Recruiting Tips to Avoid March Madness

March is a long-awaited time for many. It’s a time when both sports fans and non-sports fans come together to join office groups. Confident brackets are made with the anticipation of “I’m taking it all this year!”, until the little school you’ve never heard of gets an upset against...

Steps to take to find a commercial lender

When looking to finance your next commercial real estate project, you need to find a commercial lender. Why, you might ask? You need someone on your side who is an expert in the nuances of the types of loans that are part of commercial real estate. But finding one...

Children with special needs and social aggression

Social Aggression: It’s something that introduced us all to at least the movie Mean Girls. Other common terms for the behavior are “relational aggression” and “relational bullying.” The concept began in reference to Facebook and other forms of online bullying, but has quickly spread to the real world and...

Great ideas for gas appliances

There are many great reasons to choose gas products for your appliances. One of the best reasons is that they do not require electricity. Because of this, if you lose power for whatever reason, you can still heat your home with a gas heater, heat your water with a...

Treatment of wrist sprain with essential oils has more benefits

Having a sprained wrist is not only painful but can also become a real inconvenience. We depend so much on the use of our hands for our normal lives, that an injury turns simple everyday tasks into a real chore. With all the side effects of pharmaceuticals, alternative remedies...

Healthy changes for the month of the heart

From My Heart to Yours: Heart disease remains the leading cause of death in the US Consider recommitting to heart-healthy habits during Heart Month and beyond. Knowing that heart disease affects so many people in the US, I’m sure many of you can relate to my story. My dad...

Pakistan Army at the crossroads

Pakistan Army cornered On November 26, NATO force helicopters were attacked by insurgents from the Pakistani side of the border with Afghanistan. The leader immediately contacted NATO headquarters for permission to return fire. This was approved and rockets rained down on the insurgents. The insurgents fled, but 24 Pakistani...

The number one indicator that she wants you

I get this question all the time: “David, how do you know if a woman is attracted to you?” A lot of guys will tell me “I flirt with her, but I’m not sure she’s into me.” One of the best indicators that a woman is receptive to your...