Month: July 2022

How to know if your hair is thinking

I often have readers with TE (Telogen Effluvium), CTE (Chronic Telogen Effluvium) and AGA (Androgenic Alopecia or Genetic Thinning) write me and ask me how to tell if this shedding or hair loss is weakening their hair (or growing thinner.) After all, rapid and healthy growth often ensures that...

Growing up in a small rural town.

Growing up in a small town had its ups and downs. But oh how I miss him. The town was small, so small that you knew everyone who lived there. It was nice because we had our own little community. There were no big stores there. Just a little...

What to expect from Lasik eye surgery

I suffered from vision problems for most of my life and previously had to wear glasses or contacts to see anything more than 10 feet away. This was an inconvenience that affected me in many different ways. Going to the pool or playing sports was a hassle, and driving...

The emotional cause of asthma

Asthma is also influenced by certain emotions like laughing, crying, anger, panic etc. But many in the medical community believe there is no evidence that people with asthma are more psychologically disturbed than their non-asthmatic peers. However, it is not possible to have a disease without an associated emotional...

Social Bookmarking – Sharing and bookmarking made easy!

Do you have a favorite page or link that you want to refer to again and again? Do you want to bookmark it online? Put your favorites aside and now access your bookmark anywhere by switching to the social bookmarking service. What are social bookmarks? Social bookmarking is the...

Skills you need to restore a classic car

Restoring a classic car can be a scary subject for some people. There are many different types of work that go into restoring a classic car and most people are not trained in all of them. When you break down the process into the types of repairs that go...

How to buy a used tractor and save thousands of dollars

The secret to getting a good deal on a used tractor is having information. Start by learning how to quickly determine the age, condition, and average selling price of any used tractor make and model. Then know which problem areas to watch closely. The final step is to learn...

Which brand of popcorn is featured the most?

Popcorn is a favorite treat and when Americans eat popcorn, they take it seriously. You want to find the best popcorn, right? You want popcorn that pops more so you can enjoy the most popcorn. While some people enjoy unpopped kernels, most people want fluffy popped popcorn. A brand...

Top 10 Baby and Toddler Online Shopping Sites

Well, whenever the idea of ​​shopping online arises in our mind, we can see and find a wide range of sites that allow online shopping. You can get your desired products and that too at extremely reasonable prices when you shop online. There are a large number of shopping...