Month: May 2022

First Time Renters – Here’s Your Guide

I moved to this brand new city: a lower paying job, no friends to stay with, and absolutely homeless. Honestly, I had no money to spend on a hotel, even if it meant a day (I mentioned the lack of funds) and no time to waste looking for flats...

Why social media marketing is the secret ingredient

Social media marketing is a term that refers to the promotion of anything on social networks. This includes affiliate marketing links, CPA links, blog articles, website links, and more on Facebook, Twitter, and other social networks. While everyone knows that social media is growing very fast, not all internet...

What are you doing "the hole" mean in the bible?

What is the “well” mentioned so often in the Bible? This one is not as easy as one might suspect. Many words, a little Hebrew and Greek. Attention to context. I am using the King James Bible and the Concordance based on it by another “James”, James Strong. Different...

Escort 8500×50 Review

Looking for a high performance radar detector that won’t break your budget and is affordable? If so, I would recommend the Escort 8500×50 from Escort. Test after test, the Escort 8500×50 is hailed as one of the best and most affordable extreme range radar detectors made today. The Escort...

Leadership Qualities: Building Consistency

What makes consistency a desirable leadership quality? Anything you do repeatedly becomes a habit, and a habit is hard to break. As a leader, you want to be known for forming a variety of good habits (treating people fairly, encouraging others, being empathetic, leading by example, making quality decisions...

Boondocking: How to camp offline

You’ve probably heard a lot about boondocking (camping without hookups) and wondered why anyone would want to camp where there’s no water, sewer, or electrical hookups. All modern RVs have been built to be independent of these appendages that connect them to terrestrial resources. All RVs have a freshwater...

The 7 best things for breakfast

Many people say that breakfast is the most important meal. And it’s probably true because you need to get off to a good start after sleeping all night. Breakfast helps you start the day. But it’s essential to not only make sure you eat breakfast, but also eat the...

5 good reasons why you should never wear tight underwear!

Tight underwear makes you less of a man. This isn’t just because tight briefs make even the manliest man look like a hard-core geek and are probably the most effective form of birth control in the known world, although there is such a thing. No, tight clothing literally makes...