Month: October 2021

Highlight your special event with custom wall graphics

Everyone has seen them, those walls behind the stars at every red carpet event. With every step the rich and famous take, photographers capture their images and the image behind them with a sponsor’s logo. The walk-through wall gets its name from its original use as a backdrop for...

Electronic Crossword Solvers – A Powerful Puzzle Tool

Crosswords, a black and white grid by which clues ranging from the painfully obvious to the utterly enigmatic are given to help the user solve the crossword. While the excitement and attraction of a crossword lies in the challenge of trying to find the clues, sometimes the fine line...

Weightlifting For Women – Get Those Sexy Curves!

If you are a woman who wants to change her body, you NEED to lift weights Weightlifting has long been the preferred method among men to build lean muscle mass, help burn extra calories, and shift their bodies from flabby and smooth to chiseled and toned, but for whatever...

6 fundraising ideas for charities

Fundraising is the way that a person or organization can help others in need both financially and physically. But this is not practically possible for a single person. Fortunately or unfortunately, charity fundraising activities in the traditional way are long and boring. In this article we provide some ideas...

Google AdSense campaign

AdSense is an advertising program run by Google which is also known as Google AdSense. What this program does is match the advertising need of providers with the need to see of consumers. As internet usage grows rapidly and the amount of commerce moves online, there are hungry advertisers...

Olympic sports list

The governing body of the Olympic Games is the International Olympic Committee (IOC). They have been responsible for the games since they revived the Olympics with the Summer Olympics in Athens in 1896. In 1924, the first Winter Olympics were held in France. The Games were held in the...

Numerology of a sex symbol: Marilyn Monroe

[This article is neither intended to extol nor defame Marilyn Monroe. Its purpose is simply to reveal the relationship between some aspects of her life and her numbers in furthering the understanding of numerology as a science.] In a world of notoriety, some people become famous, some rise to...

Some Amazing Starter Providers For Building Business Credit

You should start a business credit profile and get a score with the initial providers. Start-up providers are the ones who will give you start-up credit even if you don’t have credit, score, or business line right now. Most stores like Staples will NOT give you initial credit, so...

Choosing the door handles, it’s up to you

You might be surprised at the number of options available for door handles these days. Not only that, you might be surprised how seriously people take it when they decide to replace door knobs for whatever reason. No matter what your reasons are for choosing new door knobs for...