Top video game influencers on YouTube

On YouTube and other social media platforms, any niche and any topic could lead you to make big profits just by uploading your videos and sharing them with the world. Every view counts, every like is worth a penny, and every action increases traffic. Online games have brought a...

Radicals for Capitalism: A History of Libertarianism

Radicals for Capitalism, a fascinating look at the history of the uniquely American political philosophy of libertarianism, is a very rewarding book on the early days of the libertarian movement and some of its founding members and supporters. Brian Doherty does an excellent job of writing a compelling history...

5 tips for buying toys for your children

When you buy toys for your toddler, that’s when your inner child is overwhelmed with joy. The whole experience revives the memories of your childhood. While you are shopping for your little bundle of joy, it is extremely important that you buy only the best toys. And all the...

The Rapid Weight Loss Scam

Yes, we have all heard of how to achieve rapid weight loss. “Exercise for just 8 minutes a day and lose 20 pounds in 4 weeks!” Claims like this have been around for many years. You buy this gadget and get amazing results for only $ 19.95! Or buy...

Moving to a big city after graduating from college

Moving to New York after graduation While awaiting graduation, many college students completing their studies at universities in more rural areas are slowly coming to terms with the fact that staying in rural Virginia, Michigan or Pennsylvania will not offer them the kinds of jobs and professional oportunities. they...

Two for sale by owner Deal Killers

You have just negotiated a deal with a buyer and have a signed sales contract. The good news is that it is almost here. The bad news is that the finish line is still not as close as you think. Even though you and the buyer have agreed on...

PES 2013 – The only video game for soccer fans

Konami’s PES 2013 launches on PS3, XBOX 360, Wii and PC this fall and will give FIFA 12 a run for its money this year if online rumors are to be believed. The PES franchise has been around for 16 years and has progressed through many iterations in both...

Impact of social media on society

“Do you have Facebook?” “Yes, of course. But I don’t think you can find me, as there are too many people who have the same name as me. Try searching with my last name as well.” “Hey, you celebrated your birthday at K-Box, right? I saw the pictures on...