Pill-free fever

For those of you who have children, you will fully understand my next statement … “There is nothing more terrifying than watching your child burn with a high fever in the middle of the night.” If you don’t have children, you probably don’t. But think about it for a...

Resource diabetic

Millions of people are living with diabetes around the world. While there are medications that help control blood sugar levels, your diet plays an integral role in how well your diabetes is managed. It can be difficult to make major dietary changes after receiving your diagnosis, especially if you...

How to care for a long-haired Jack Russell Terrier

The Jack Russell Terrier breed has a double coat of thick hair that requires regular grooming. Also known as a Parson Russell Terrier, dogs can have rough, smooth, or torn coats. The long-haired or rough-haired Jack Russell terrier has longer braids than the smooth-haired terrier, and has excess hair...

Tips for buying the best kitchen and bathroom cabinets

Are you thinking of renovating your house? If yes, you need to pay special attention to the kitchen and bathroom. Generally, people put all their money in the living room and the bedroom, which is not correct. It is very important to renovate the bathroom and kitchen in a...

The Memphis Grizzlies go into action in every NBA game

Although the Memphis Grizzlies are cubs in the NBA, they have started to growl. Although they have only been in the NBA since 2001, the Grizzlies have already advanced to the playoffs for three seasons. The Grizzlies moved to Memphis prior to the 2001-2002 season, after playing in Vancouver...

Paris Hilton: Celebrity Gossip Fodder, Jailbird, or Marketing Guru?

Ah, Paris Hilton. Omnipresent, overexposed, and underappreciated. Is there something about it, some part of it, that the entire United States is not yet familiar with? She is the quintessential celebrity of the 21st century, famous just for being famous. She is not known for being a singer, actress,...