Category: Shopping Product Reviews

Merrow sewing machines: Merrow 18E review

Merrow specializes in overlock sewing machines for technical, fashion and end-to-end sewing. Established in 1838, the company has capitalized on the “merrowing” and “merrowed” trademarks, working with manufacturers who use their machines to market “merrow” sewing. In 2010, a new line of custom-built industrial sewing machines was launched on...

Spanish Learning Toys – Play Cillit Bang Tough With Your Kids

Spanish Learning Toys If you are looking for a unique educational toy for children, then Cillit Bang Tough is a great choice. It is a combination of a Siamese fighting technique and a math lesson. Children who have played with this toy can tell you that the Siamese fighting...

Introductory overview of Cocoa Touch for programmers who grew up in C

Cocoa Touch is a framework for developing touch screen applications: it includes elements of the user interface, event dispatch, application life cycle, etc. This also includes object wrappers around essential data types (strings, collections). Most of the Cocoa Touch classes are designed to be called directly from your code;...

More than 100 Christmas greetings

We will give you full details on the Christmas greetings! We are sure that while you wait for the arrival of Christmas you will surely be looking for the best Christmas greetings, Christmas cards, Christmas pictures, Christmas wishes and an amazing Christmas story to share with your friends and...

7 explanations why the moon fascinates us

The moon, one of our most admired celestial bodies, creates awe and excitement every time we contemplate it in the depths of the night sky. We are fascinated by its illumination that occupies a central place among the stars and other celestial bodies in space. With the help of...

Brother PE Layout Troubleshooting – Windows 7 Installation

Brother PE Design is embroidery software that allows users to create custom embroidery designs on their computer, to be transferred to their Brother embroidery machine stitched. Over a decade old, the software has undergone nine major updates over the years, the latest being “PE Design Next.” As computers have...

Hanle’s Endangered Gazelles

Dodging down Leh’s busy main street, we frantically searched for camera batteries and good quality film rolls as we left for Hanle in search of the Tibetan gazelle, a small antelope. We ran to the Moti market with makeshift shops selling trinkets. Shoppers and merchants seemed to enjoy the...

Can gift cards be tracked?

Gift cards are given to people as gifts or used by a business as promotional material to promote their brand by offering discounts to people who use the card. It is loaded with money, which is the face value of what it says. It can be described as a...

Sexual misconduct in Hollywood: are we part of the problem?

It has been widespread headline news over the past year. Powerful famous figures accused of sexual misconduct in Hollywood and the media. The stories mainly focus on men who have allegedly abused or harassed people in lower positions of power. As the list continues to grow every day with...

Batman Arkham City review

How do you improve an already incredible game formula? Ultimately, Rocksteady Games has been successful with the arrival of Batman Arkham City. Arkham’s story begins a couple of months after the Batman Asylum plot closes. The now leader of Gotham City, Quincy Sharp has moved the Gotham robbers to...