Category: Shopping Product Reviews

Hip Hip Anime!

The big, bright eyes, the brightly colored hair, the dark nose, and the exaggerated facial expression remind me of only one thing. Can you guess what it is? If your answer is Anime, then BINGO, you just read an otaku’s mind! Anime (pronounced: “Ah-nee-may”) is a type of animation...

Best Bitcoin Trading Platforms

Cryptocurrency has not only provided the fastest way to transfer money, but also a new entity to trade and earn money in addition to stocks and other commodities. While you can sell and buy Bitcoin directly, you can also use Bitcoin trading exchanges to continue your cryptocurrency transactions. There...

How YOUR nonprofit can master visual storytelling

According to ISPO News, we make approximately 10,000 decisions a day, and “products that evoke emotions always win.” Humans base 90 percent of their decisions on emotion, which, when you think about it, is a staggering statistic. Nonprofits have a distinct advantage over for-profit companies in offering their donors...

Keurig B70 Maintenance – What to Do When All Else Fails

The Keurig B70 Platinum is the Vermont coffeemaker’s flagship one-cup coffee maker. The B70 makes a single cup of coffee in a fraction of the time it would take to brew an entire pot. It is practically self-cleaning and requires almost no maintenance. It works efficiently and reliably handles...

The benefits of Cool Mist for the skin

If you’ve had a steam facial at a spa or salon, or if you have your own facial steamer at home that only emits hot steam, then you know the benefits these devices offer. However, what if you could also have a cold mist? What benefits does this bring?...

The facts about miter saws

Miter saws are one of the most popular and used power tools in the tool industry today. Due to its portability, convenient capabilities, and overall accuracy, a miter saw can be found in almost every carpentry, garage, or pickup truck. Miter saws are generally designed to produce fast and...

Benefits of an Android TV Box

The Android TV box is a useful kit that connects to the TV via the HDMI port to offer most of the Android functions. This type of setup is very flexible and easily connects to most TVs with the correct port and is much cheaper than a smart TV....

More on hidden malicious iframe injections

Malicious iframes have a basic configuration as shown below: [iframe src= url/ width=1 height=1 stye=visibility: hidden;][/iframe] They have this setting so that hackers can hide these unwanted iframes by making them invisible. The iframe is created with a width and a height of 1 pixel, visually it is just...