Category: Relationship

Some Food Combinations to Avoid

Can you eat fruits with or after a meal? What proteins can be combined with starchy foods? Do some foods slow down your digestive rhythm? Are there some food combinations that should be avoided? These are some questions that I will try to address in this article. I have...

Birthstone jewelry makes a great gift

What is birthstone jewelry? Each month of the year has a specific gemstone associated with it that is considered the “birthstone” for that month. Your birthstone is the gemstone to which the month you were born is assigned. Ever since the custom of wearing birthstone jewelry began, it has...

Halloween treats from all miles

There are many “little events” that, while not “official holidays”, are an important family tradition and an event that everyone wants to be a part of, regardless of where they are at that particular moment compared to their loved ones. Why let distance ruin or diminish your shared enjoyment?...

last minute diwali gifts

If you’re reading this in October and haven’t bought your Diwali gifts yet, there could be a couple of reasons for the delay. The first is that you could possibly be lazy like most of us and leave festival season shopping for the last possible minute. This isn’t as...

Wisdom from a Five-Year-Old: What Parents Can Learn

This morning my kids and I watched about 45 minutes of a DVD I have. It’s a show called Powaqqatsi. A film that features only images along with a beautiful and mostly non-lyrical soundtrack. I had seen her in an arthouse when it first came out and it was...

Popular backyard activities for teens

Almost everyone enjoys spending time outdoors, even teenagers. There is something about being outside that creates excitement. Although almost everyone enjoys relaxing or playing in the backyard, some people get more or better opportunities than others, including teenagers. Most teens love to be outdoors, and in fact, many can...

If you’re a female model on stripchat

female model on stripchat If you’re a model and want to make some extra cash, you should check out Stripchat. This free kinky site allows models to earn a decent living by selling photos and videos for a price of their choice. The amount you can earn depends on...

4 Common Grandparent Mistakes You Should Avoid

Like being a parent, being a grandparent is a difficult but very rewarding role. If you have recently had a grandchild, it would be natural to expect your child (the new parent) to turn to you for help, advice, and support. They need you to be there, but don’t...

Child safety: choosing and using child safety seats

There are different car seats for each stage of development and weight of your child. You should read the packaging carefully and make sure your child car seat is properly installed according to the manufacturer’s specifications before taking your child on a short or long trip. Proper use of...