Category: Relationship

Three Ideas for Team Appreciation Gifts or Gift Baskets

Decide if it should be a gift for the whole team or something for each member of the team. If the gift will be part of a planned recognition program or as a way to remember a holiday season, determine whether the gift should have practical, unique, or fun...

Valentine’s and Valentine’s Gifts

Valentine’s Day is dedicated to Valentine’s Day and is celebrated on February 14 of each year. Essentially, Valentine’s Day is a celebration of love. It is seen as an occasion to show your love for the important people in your life. Valentine’s Day is generally considered Valentine’s Day. However,...

Mistakes to avoid when choosing Christmas gifts for children

Don’t worry when choosing Christmas gifts for kids You’ll be stressed enough on the big day, so relax and avoid these common mistakes. I’m a parent myself, so I know we make the idea of ​​choosing gifts for kids too complicated. There will be enough, how much we spend....

Make every day a day to give thanks

Since this blog will debut on Thanksgiving, I thought it might be a good time to focus on the value of giving thanks as an important part of your daily life. Although I see the importance of having specific days to honor the things that have value to most...

Overcoming grief: what is normal?

Do you feel like something is wrong with you because of the way the death of your loved one is affecting you? Are those around you implying that you have to “control yourself” or should you get over “it”? Don’t let your feelings of isolation increase due to their...

10 scrapbook ideas for Valentine’s Day with or without photos

Valentine’s Day is all about romance, love, and friendship. It may not be a common photo opportunity, but with or without a photo, there are still plenty of scrapbook ideas for Valentine’s Day. Remember this February 14 and that special someone you asked to be yours with these tips...

How to celebrate Valentine’s Day with your children

Enjoy this holiday of love by sharing these fun Valentine’s Day activities, crafts, games, and gift ideas. Make some fingerprint heart cookies. This is a great recipe for the little ones to help out! Use a roll of prepared sugar cookie dough. Place the cookies on an ungreased baking...

Get your child started on a coin collecting hobby

Wondering what to get your child for their next birthday? Give it a drop down extension that can accommodate up to 50 coins. You may not appreciate the coins, but telling you stories about the coin and how it was made can pique your interest. For each birthday give...

Is God Testing My Parenting Skills?

Several books and essays have been written on childhood paranoia, but the topic of paranoia and parents does not seem so common. It’s a shame because my kids are driving me crazy. And at the risk of sounding paranoid, I think they are doing it on purpose. Since I...