Category: Legal Law

Learning: a foundation for success

It’s just amazing the number of people who don’t read a non-fiction book after they get out of school. Our society promotes the belief that one obtains an education to learn the basic skills necessary to be qualified for employment in a particular field. However, most take this to...

Corporate Governance and Compliance – India

Corporate governance is the set of processes, customs, policies, laws, and institutions that affect how a corporation is directed, managed, or controlled. Corporate governance also includes the relationships between the many stakeholders involved and the objectives by which the corporation is governed. The main interest groups are shareholders, management...

Masonic Ring Symbolism – Joshua’s Perambulation of Jericho

THE PERAMBULATION “And it came to pass the seventh time, when the priests blew their trumpets, Joshua said to the people, shout; for the Lord has given you the city. Joseph. 6:16 As an indication that they are duly and truly prepared to be initiated, approved, and raised in...

Platonic-fulerene chemistry and the evolution of God

The 1937 Nobel laureate in Medicine, Szent-Goergyi, considered scientists who did not understand that the energies of universal entropy were balanced by the evolution of consciousness to be primitive thinkers. He referred to them as mad apes in his book by that title. The molecular biologist, Sir CP Snow,...

How a marketing coach can read body language to get more clients

If you’re a marketing consultant or coach, learning something about your prospect’s body language can help you close more customers. This is why… A successful salesperson will tell you that the secret to closing a sale is to first establish rapport with potential customers. This is not necessarily achieved...

The best books for bar exam preparation

Preparing for the bar exam requires you to practice, practice, and practice more, but having the right resources to study is just as important. The focus of this article is on materials that worked for me and were recommended to me by ABA law school graduates and colleagues who...

How to find a workers compensation attorney

Finding a workers’ compensation attorney is a difficult task. Finding a qualified and experienced attorney is an even more difficult task. After sustaining a broken wrist on the job, I learned that workers’ compensation is a specialty and that I was embarking on a search for a specialist In...

Why You Should Hire a LTD Disability Lawyer

Hire a LTD Disability Lawyer There are many reasons to hire a LTD disability lawyer in Toronto. You may be surprised to learn that the insurance company can be intimidating. The disability lawyer Toronto clients hire can help you navigate the insurance process and get the benefits you deserve....

Baby boomers need to stop making happiness the goal

Studies show that the youngest baby boomers consistently report the lowest levels of happiness with surprisingly high rates of depression. I write a blog based on the premise that these studies that describe baby boomers as the generation that lives in pessimism do not have to be self-fulfilling prophecies....