Category: Legal Law

The Chronicles of Madness – Episode 17

In this, our 17th episode of Madness Chronicles, we take a look at the madness of our society in general. Remember, insanity is a state of mental illness, especially severe, extremely foolish behavior, and a state of frantic or chaotic activity. Let’s take a look at what’s going on...

Arguments that seal themselves and learn to fight fair

A particularly powerful reasoning fallacy in arguments from personal beliefs, ideologies or worldviews is the self-sealing argument. Self-sealing arguments take positions that no evidence can refute. while this can look attractive, and a good way to win any argument, Self-sealing arguments are useless and potentially detrimental to relationships. One...

What can I sell online?

I also have CD’s and video tutorials that cover a wide range of topics from parenting, biblical decision making, the biblical view of debt, how the Old Testament saints were saved… to the value of practical skills for your kids, small businesses kids can start, how to turn a...

What constitutes an undue hardship?

When it comes to filing for bankruptcy to avoid paying government student loans, borrowers must show that continuing to pay a loan would cause undue hardship. In Circuit 11, we have what is commonly known as the Brunner Test. Outside of the Bankruptcy Courts, a person may also qualify...

A Brief History of Indian Catering Services

We Indians take great pride in bragging about our weddings. The lights, the flowers, the clothes, the jewelry, and the FOOD! We have seen many new changes in Indian weddings in recent years. ‘Once upon a time’ the same food was served at every wedding (such as puri, sabji,...