Category: Home Kitchen

Replacement of moldings and moldings

You don’t have to tear down walls or uproot your house just to give a room a new look. Fortunately, you can radically alter your decor simply by changing your trim and trim. Along with a splash of fresh paint and new window treatments, trim replacements are the easiest...

Spring decorating trends for 2012

Cheerful and ethereal are the buzzwords that best describe the spring 2012 decorating trends. The focus is on a neutral background of cream, white or beige with pops of color and style inspiration found in accessories, the fabrics and the arrangement of the furniture. There’s also a trend toward...

Dating – Is your home friendly to women?

You’ve landed your first date, congratulations! Now things have progressed to the point where she’s willing to see where you live. But will she be attracted to your surroundings or will it repel her? Here’s a list of things women love to see in a man’s house, starting with...

6 easy-access storage options

Containment is part of the organizing process. Containers are good storage options, but are the contents always easy to access? This is a question that should be considered based on the type of storage option. Storage criteria may be different for each organization solution, but ease of access should...

How to round natural stone tiles

Any rounded molding is used to create a smooth, rounded edge for building corners, stairs, decks, countertops, and other areas that have sharp edges. You can order masonry units from manufacturers that already have square rounded corners. You may often hear people refer to quarter round tiles or half...

Choosing tall kitchen cabinets

Kitchen cabinets serve many purposes. They not only contain appliances, dishes and food, but also bring essential style to the kitchen. Shopping for kitchen cabinets can be expensive and difficult, but understanding the different cabinet options on the market and finding reputable kitchen cabinet dealers will allow you to...

modern kitchen design trends

A new style of cooking Homeowners are starting to move away from the very sleek, minimalist look to a warmer, more inviting look that reflects their own styles. This has seen the birth of a new style of cooking: a fusion of modern and traditional elements. The modern traditional...