Category: Digital Marketing

Installing a cell extender

There are many names for an indoor cell extender. It is commonly referred to as a Cell Booster, but it is actually a fully functional low power cell phone repeater. The industry refers to it as a mini, pico or SOHO repeater or cell extender. There are types of...

Customer service tips: how to deal with irate customers

Are you ready to learn how to keep all the guests happy? You start by making sure your managers are fully trained in every position within your restaurant. They need to know all the jobs, so they can intervene if someone says they are sick or if sales are...

How To Choose The Right Products For Affiliate Marketing Success

To be successful with affiliate marketing, you need to choose the right products to promote. You don’t want to waste your time and money (if you run ads) marketing products that pay a low commission and your target market doesn’t really want to buy. Percentage commission There are many...

Best Google Website Tools of 2018

Google Analytics In this digital age, the importance of data to a business / website should never be underestimated. In fact, without proper website traffic tracking, a business is literally lost, especially when it comes to how to optimize the website and make full use of it. Whether your...

Amazing Instagram Promotion Tactics You Can Use To Get Real Results

In recent years, Instagram has gone from being a simple social channel for sharing photos to becoming an influential weapon of brand marketing and advertising. Did you know that more than 600 million Internet users browse the Instagram platform to search for new products? Instagram has leveled the playing...

Creative Marketing Ideas for Toy Stores

Toy stores have to target two different audiences: children, who are the end users, and parents, who are buyers. Having only one marketing strategy will not be very effective for your toy store, as it will only reach a part of your market. It is best to use a...

Wait Marketing: Communicate at the Right Time in the Right Place

WHY ADVERTISE WHILE CONSUMERS ARE WAITING? – Advertising is welcome. Advertising annoys consumers … except when they’re waiting. A Swiss survey confirms that traditional, expensive and saturated advertising is rejected by consumers. TV commercials annoy 3 out of 4 consumers. Mail and Internet advertisements annoy more than half of...