Category: Business

The 55 days of Christmas? Twelve survival tips!

Did you notice that the Christmas decorations went up on Halloween? Did a chill run down your spine? The holiday season seems to be getting longer and shorter. Yes, shorter. Look at the expectations that this season puts on you. Fifty-five days is not nearly enough to achieve Countess...

What is your credit policy?

The profit is directly proportional to the volume of sales, as long as all your business transactions are carried out in cash. Is it possible for a manufacturer, wholesaler or retailer to conduct business without offering credit, in this competitive business environment? The answer is a resounding “no”, because...

What is RankBrain?

RankBrain is a part of Google’s core algorithm that uses machine learning and artificial intelligence to help filter millions of search results. RankBrain was announced in late 2015, and this algorithm has become an integral part of how Google determines the most useful and relevant results for search engine...

Home For Sale By Owner – Free Advertising Tips

Whether you are just starting out or have been in the seller’s market, this information will be very helpful in locating buyers. Without a doubt, the Internet is the most effective means of attracting buyers because 75% of all home buyers will buy online BEFORE speaking with a real...

Dun and Bradstreet Paydex Business Credit Score

The main credit score used in the business world is known as the Paydex score provided by Dun and Bradstreet. This number assesses the credit risk of a business in the same way that a consumer credit score reflects the individual credit risk of a consumer. Paydex is essentially...

Next-Gen Cloud Analytics with Amazon Redshift

Amazon Redshift is changing the way businesses collect and store big data. Companies like Amazon can influence the control of cloud computing for data storage purposes. This Amazon cloud solution enables companies to apply data storage more efficiently than ever. Redshift is Amazon’s storage solution that enables business owners...

Kickstarter Vs Indiegogo: Which One To Choose?

Kick starter So chances are you’ve heard of Kickstarter. You probably also have a good handle on the basic pros and cons of this platform, but for the sake of being comprehensive, let’s cover our bases and start at the beginning. Today, crowdfunding is primarily synonymous with Kickstarter. It...

Don’t Fall For These 4 Nevada Incorporation Myths

Delaware has long been a popular state for US companies to incorporate for a variety of reasons. Recently, many have touted Nevada as the new Delaware, citing benefits such as better asset protection, tax savings, and increased privacy. Before you believe the hype, make sure you know the truth...

Common Acting Interview Questions with Answers

The term act comes from the Latin word that simply means “to speak with an accent.” Acting is related in some way to the work of an actor. An actor works in a movie or television and tells the story by playing a role just by saying the written...