Category: Business

Bill Collectors – The 7 Biggest Lies Exposed

1. I am from the Legal Department and you are being sued. In my experience, less than 2% of all debts listed with a collection agency result in formal legal proceedings, and in most cases, the collection agency must advance the legal costs necessary to initiate a lawsuit. From...

Depreciation and profits for a company

Depreciation is a very important element in any financial statement. Depreciation is the process of spreading the cost of an asset over its useful life to a business. Companies, for tax purposes, can deduct the cost of the physical assets they buy as business expenses; But, companies must depreciate...

The Six Fundamental Business Goals and Goals Needed for Success

There are six fundamental business goals and objectives necessary for success. The first thing to keep in mind is that any online business or mainstream business needs six fundamentals to be ultimately successful: A product or service that provides a solution to a problem or a physical or emotional...

How can you benefit from Quora?

Quora is on the list of the most popular question and answer websites where you can post questions and get answers. Similarly, you can answer questions from other Quora users. In this article we are going to talk about the benefits of this platform for SEO. Read on to...

Discover 10 steps to a successful business change

In all business change situations, there are certain steps that are commonly taken to change the fortunes of a bankrupt business. The owner of a business that has not been very successful may need the help of a professional expert to stop the demise of the business and create...

2009 – Another great year for the US solar industry.

While overall solar investment may have declined worldwide in 2009, the US solar market continues to grow apace. 2009 saw a 38% increase in PV capacity even though the recession was still in full swing. Combining the results of concentrated solar power and photovoltaic power, solar power capacity in...

The impact of bad debts on a business

Bad debts can seriously affect a business if not managed properly. Take a look at Bear Stearns or Lehman Brothers. Both companies tragically ended when they had to write off their bad debts. Bad debts can ruin your financial books and even your reputation, making it difficult to obtain...