Category: Arts Entertainments

How to get it back: why using logic won’t work

Hello girls, today I am going to talk to you about how to get him back in your arms, before I go ahead and find another girl. Relationships end all the time, you should know because I’ve helped dozens of people in your situation before, and guess what? Many...

Best motivational books

Dan Pink’s DRIVE adds to the motivation and drives it like a motorcycle on a mountain road. There are twists and turns, but the more you drive, the hotter it gets. You know, that feeling of freedom, pure emotion, and the pure thrill of being alive. Oh, haven’t you...

Paris Hilton: Celebrity Gossip Fodder, Jailbird, or Marketing Guru?

Ah, Paris Hilton. Omnipresent, overexposed, and underappreciated. Is there something about it, some part of it, that the entire United States is not yet familiar with? She is the quintessential celebrity of the 21st century, famous just for being famous. She is not known for being a singer, actress,...

What is the semantic web?

A colleague named John Markoff wrote an article for the “New York Times” in 2006 that sparked quite a heated discussion, which continues to this day. He proposed, early in the scheme of things, but certainly not for the first time, that the term “Web 3.0” be used to...

The manly manual

After a dozen readings, I still laugh at this practical reference to manhood. I lost my first copy to one of my drinking buddies, so I was in good hands (or so I thought). My second copy has been carefully stored for several years in case I need to...

Numerology and Sex – For Adults Only!

Sex is important! Through the act we perpetuate the species, our own genetic material, and of course, we have fun. Sex is one of the fundamental drives of the human mind; ask any publicist or filmmaker if sex sells or not. Sex is what I like to call a...

Ping Pong or Table Tennis Vs Obesity and Youth Inactivity

It may sound like a lopsided television wrestling match, but it is a serious fight that we must win. The author has some important credentials and personal experience to offer on how to win. Our opponents are fierce, ugly, and well rooted in our country. Can a small ping...

Why are gay men attracted to men in uniform?

Most gay men are attracted to men in uniform. This state is actually a type of fetish, just seeing certain male individuals wearing their work suits can ignite another person’s sexuality. Try to imagine men in suits of firefighters, lumberjacks, policemen, sailors, soccer players, coastguards, waiters or butlers, navies,...