Month: July 2022

Great leaders don’t tell you what to do

In many cases, people become managers because they are better problem solvers than others. And troubleshooters can take quite a bit of pride in telling others how to implement the solutions they’ve discovered. While being a problem solver may be a normal path to management, it is a trap....

Why use felt rug pads?

All rugs need a rug pad and for those of us who aren’t too keen on using rubber on our floors, a great rug pad option for all rugs on all types of flooring is felted jute. The Best Jute Felt Rug Pad is made from recycled jute that...

10 tips to avoid locksmith fraud

As scary as it sounds, locksmith scams are becoming a part of our daily lives. Locksmiths target home and car owners when they are in their most vulnerable state and desperately need help, in an emergency and need immediate assistance. Most of the time we feel that looking for...

Does Instagram work for you?

Instagram may work better for some businesses than others. It has over 800 million monthly users and is still growing. And, because it’s part of Facebook, you know there’s a lot of pressure for it to succeed. But does Instagram work for your business? Instagram is a very visual...

Looking for Christmas gifts?

We are almost in the middle of December and if you are still looking for gifts for Christmas, things probably did not work out as you expected and we are not just talking about your Christmas shopping. Anyway, one problem at a time and first of all let’s talk...

Explore authentic Jamaica through a food festival

Explore authentic Jamaica through a food festival. Jamaica has many interesting foods and several annual food festivals. The Portland Jerk Festival is one of the most well-known festivals because it involves one of Jamaica’s most popular forms of cooking: jerk! Jerk is the process of seasoning and grilling. The...

How to lose belly fat to get 6 abs

Have you ever wondered why your abs are not showing and why your belly fat is still there when you are doing sit-ups hundreds of times and running a mile every day? In every gym, you can watch guys doing sit-ups hoping to lose their belly fat so they...

Pregnancy Preparation Tips

If you have decided that you want to have a baby, then this can be an exciting time for you. Pregnancy is quite an experience for most women. Every woman experiences it differently and the symptoms may also differ. Once you have made the decision, how do you prepare...

Trendy hairstyles for medium length haircuts

The medium length haircut is a perfect cut for any type of hairstyle and any type of facial structure. Like the long and short bob haircut, medium length cuts are not style specific. There are many hairstyle trends for long and short hair, but styles that blend with long...