Month: May 2021

5 ways to treat wrinkles on your face

Sun damage, stress, age, excessive work routines, sugar intake, smoking, excess alcohol – all of this causes wrinkles on your face and makes you look much older. We can “shake up” the aging process for you. Have you seen the beautiful supple-skinned women from Japan and Korea? They undergo...

How do you get an unorthodox loan?

An unorthodox loan is defined as a loan that is not obtained through common lenders or through common channels. It may be a situation where your income is variable, the purpose of the loan is unconventional, you are a business owner, or a loan is for investment purposes. Since...

Operation Highjump – Long-distance Nazi UFOs in Antarctica

Operation Highjump was a campaign by the United States Navy that took place in Antarctica between 1946 and 1947, it was the largest effort on the southernmost continent to this day. The mission was, and remains to this day, the largest Antarctic voyage ever undertaken. It was carried out...

The BCS debate continues

Although the BCS has continued to modify its formula, the debate about a tiebreaker still continues. And it really amazes me that the powers that be in the NCAA and the conferences keep talking about everything but the one thing that really prevents moving into a playoff system for...

The pros and cons of owning a Boston Terrier

You are thinking about getting a dog and someone told you that you should seriously consider getting a Boston Terrier. While I am personally inclined to agree with them, here are some things to consider when making your decision. Remember that these dogs live to be 15 years or...

Criminal fiction: ten cliches to avoid

Crime fiction is big business right now, but there are certain situations that have been so exaggerated that they have become genre clichés and everyone knows what to expect next. Here are ten cliches you should try to avoid and thoughts on how to subvert the cliches if you...

Your privacy is not the product

In a democratic nation, online privacy should and should be a basic human right. Yet today, a host of Internet service providers are playing with this basic human right on the surface to earn millions, if not billions, by trading your private data. You might be wondering why, what...

The top three causes of green poop

Every month, there are thousands of people around the world who turn their poop green. When this happens, they often wonder, “why is my poop green?” To be honest, there are thousands of possible reasons why your poop changed color, and there are none that we can discuss all...