Tips on How to Make Your Video Go Viral

While doing research for this article, this writer found some pretty low-key stuff. Like, who are these people who title their videos suggestively and inaccurately, I might add? Videos go viral for more reasons than that. Now what about the precise ones that are enough to make you dizzy? I didn’t see them, by the way.

I would hazard a guess and say that some of them were recorded under the influence of mind-altering chemicals. So, is it the New School Method of Cinematography? Get a camera, get high and get 9 million views! In some cases, it appears to be true. Don’t get me wrong, it is not acceptable in my philosophy to promote public intoxication. Plus, it’s illegal. Well, with that being said, there are a few things I’ve picked up that I’m not averse to sharing. Here it goes…

  • First of all, don’t display blatant ads. This will turn off anyone who has heard about the video and the word of mouth will stop here. This is not the desired result.
  • Take some creative license and be shocking! “Do dead ants float in milk? More at 11…” Get the viewer to do more research, thus increasing the entertainment value.
  • Optimize the title with keyword richness. And feel free to change it back when you get to the most viewed page. You may know more by then, who knows?
  • Draw the potential viewer in with words like: secret tips, exclusive, behind the scenes, just released, just revealed, and coming soon. Get them anticipating something good at the launch.
  • Manipulate your thumbnail. Some sites, like YouTube, select a still shot somewhere in the middle of the video. This may not be the most intriguing you can get. Browse and select one that catches your eye.
  • Design your video to use in a remix. Having the ability to insert changes leaves open the opportunity to make a series. And clips from your video can be added to a “Best of…” video at some point later.
  • When you do that series to go along with the first viral video, post all the videos at once to give the release more “viral weight.” There is nothing wrong with capitalizing on the success of your initial creation.
  • Send a link, email, tweet, note, and message to all your friends, go to all your forums, and broadcast through all available voices. Ask each of them to share it at least once or more if they can. If you let them know that you’re trying to get on the most viewed page, I’m sure they’ll want to help you out. Especially if the video is funny.
  • Remember to keep track of your progress and modify the content of your video to make it more attractive.

Some people advocate the use of multiple personality discussions (MPD). I, on the other hand, don’t. Don’t make up several different names on different accounts and don’t have conversations or arguments with yourself. That’s a no-no. There are enough acceptable legal ways listed here to make that video go viral. And cheating takes half the fun out of it; don’t you think? Take the challenge, make the video, use the tips and go viral! You can do it!

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