Standing Tanning Beds – Pros and Cons

What image comes to mind when you think of a tanning bed? Probably a traditional shell style structure where a person lies down while tanning. However, there is another type of tanning beds – standing tanning beds. As the name implies, you stand up rather than lie when you tan. Are there any advantages to using standing beds? Many people who tan regularly will tell you that yes, the standing tanning bed is far superior to a traditional style. Let’s find out what their reasons are.

Advantages of standing tanning beds

In a standing bed you can move more freely, for example, you can raise your arms. This gives you a more even tan all over. The lamps are also different; they have a special reflector that helps distribute all the rays more evenly. So the claim that standing beds produce a better quality tan is definitely true.

Another benefit of standing tanning beds that comes down to getting an even tan is that there are no pressure points. This is different from person to person, but many people get a less intense tan in the arias that touch the bed (on traditional style beds). Since in a vertical bed there is no pressure point, the problem lights up altogether.

High beds use more powerful light bulbs. A light bulb in a traditional tanning bed is about 100 watts, while standing tanning beds use light bulbs in the 160-watt range. This gives you a stronger tan for the same length session. As a result, sessions on a standing bed are shorter, saving you time.

For many people hygiene is the main reason. On a standing bed you don’t have to touch the same surface that other tanners touched. So people feel that this type of tanning beds is more hygienic. Actually, it doesn’t matter to touch the surface of the tanning bed. Salon tanning beds use very strong light bulbs, and the ultraviolet light from them kills most bacteria. Additionally, salon tanning beds are required by law to be cleaned and disinfected after each use. However, if it makes you feel better, that you don’t have to lie on the same surface as everyone else, vertical tanning beds have one more silver lining.

cons of standing beds

The only real downside to this type of tanning bed is that it can tire easily. It can be quite boring to stand up while tanning. But it’s really a matter of personal preference.

Some tanners may tell you that since vertical tanning beds use more powerful lamps, they are more dangerous. This statement is not true. Yes, you are exposed to more harmful UVB and UVA rays than in a traditional tanning bed, but you tan for less time. So, in the end, the health risks are exactly the same for both types of tanning beds.

tan safely

Speaking of tanning safety rules, you need to be careful no matter what type of tanning bed you use. Suntan lotion is a must for a safe tan. You should never opt for indoor tanning without first applying a lotion. Another way to avoid the health risks associated with artificial tanning is to only take short sessions. If you protect your skin with a quality suntan lotion and don’t tan for longer than necessary, you don’t have to worry about the dangers of the tanning bed.

Standing tanning beds definitely give you a faster, more even tan. Other than that, it’s a matter of personal preference. It cannot be said that one style is safer than the other. So if you are thinking of trying a foot bed, go for it and then you can see which style you like best.

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