Some important and useful facts about PageRank

PageRank (PR) is a mathematical algorithm that Google uses to rank website pages in their search results.

According to Google, Pagerank determines the importance of a website by counting the number and quality of links to pages on the site. The basic assumption is that top sites tend to receive more backlinks from other websites.

The rank value determines the importance of a particular page.

Research (from AOL search engine logs) shows that over 90% of buying decisions start with an online search. And the top 10 search results receive the majority (89%) of all click-through traffic. And the next ten results that typically show on the second page receive less than 5% of the click-through traffic.

Therefore, ranking on the first page is so important that businesses can move up or down due to Google search results when customers search online for the products and services they sell.

Some facts about PageRank are:

  • PageRank is just one of the many factors that Google uses in its search results algorithm. There are several other factors as well that affect Google search rankings. Instead, one should focus on offering quality content.
  • Outbound links help the ranking of the website. Therefore, they are also ranking factors.
  • Algorithms are so complicated and complex that sometimes even top search engineers working for Google don’t understand them. It’s almost impossible to know every piece of code because Google has made over 450 algorithm changes in a year.
  • The higher the number of links on a page, the lower the value of each link.
  • You can’t use no-follow to control where PageRank goes. So if you have five links on a page and two are not followed, the PageRank calculation will still count the number of outbound links from that page up to 5, even when 2 of the links are not followed.
  • Outbound links never exceed the total amount of PageRank. The amount of PageRank that flows per link always varies. All links pass a little less or a little more PageRank than what went into the page in the first place.
  • A link from a reputable or authority site will help increase search engine rankings and might not be an appropriate expectation.
  • An outbound link can have a negative rank value if it is linked to an irrelevant website.
  • The entire site does not lose ranking when it passes PageRank. PageRank is more about the pages and the inbound links associated with those pages. So chances are a site won’t lose its ranking with outbound links. An important and relevant page will be able to attract attention and rank through links.
  • Each page has its own importance. When considering links on a page, there’s no need to consider whether an outbound link will negatively affect another page’s ranking.
  • The quality and usefulness of the web page for its users determines its importance and ranking in search engines and not the entire website.


Therefore, it is very important to have a good PageRank to rank higher in the SERPs. If you are having difficulty getting good ranks, you can take help from SEO service provider in Delhi.

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