Leadership tactics and strategies

Consistent patterns of behavior govern leadership styles. There are certain tactics that a leader exercises to influence followers. There are a total of eight fundamental tactics that a leader uses while running a group. These tactics are independent of leadership styles.

These eight tactics are Direction, Persuasion, Negotiation, Engagement, Indirection, Enlistment, Redirection, and Repudiation.

The Directorate’s tactic is authoritarian. Leaders with an authoritarian style typically use this tactic. In this case, the leader simply orders his followers to do what he requires. The leader must have the power to command his followers, so only he can use this tactic.

There are two possible situations in which this tactic can be used. One situation is when a leader does not have time to apply another tactic. The second situation to opt for this tactic is when doing so is good for the organization.

The tactic of persuasion has to do with explaining and convincing people to do the job. It’s all about making them believe that what you want done is the right thing to do.

Remember that everyone is curious and entitled to know why you are doing a particular thing. This tactic works well when the people to be persuaded are in the same or higher position as the leader.

Reasons are needed to drive people this way. You must be able to provide reasons why a particular thing should be done in a particular way.

Another important tactic that is needed is negotiation. This means influencing through agreements that are acceptable to both the leader and the people.

This may involve understanding something. This tactic is necessary in some circumstances and can be very effective.

Next is the engagement tactic. This tactic consists of involving people in what the leader wants to do and getting them to adopt the same goal that he has. This induces commitment in them to reach the goal.

This is one of the most powerful tactics. If this tactic is used in conjunction with other tactics on an as-needed basis, it can work wonders.

Involvement tactics give a feeling of ownership, and people naturally work hard for things that belong to them.

In limited authority, a leader can use the Indirection tactic. This tactic is useful when people resist direct influence.

In this tactic, the leader does not directly ask what he wants, but engages in some other task that will get people to do what he wants them to do. When the direct approach fails, this is the best alternative tactic available to a leader.

In the enlistment tactic, the leader only asks the followers for what he wants. When the leader has no power or does not want to use it, he uses this tactic.

The reason given why a certain thing should be done need not be logical or persuasive. If the true reason behind a certain action is not revealed, the leader is said to be using redirection tactics. This tactic is used to avoid certain negative impacts. Giving reasons other than the real reasons is sometimes necessary and completely legitimate.

The repudiation tactic is used by denying the inability to do what is desired. The leader may have knowledge of how to perform a certain task, but deny the leader’s ability to do it. Then help the person who has gotten stuck doing the job. This way it leads the stuck person to learn a particular job and can do the job at the same time.

Constantly changing situations require leaders to use all of these tactics at different times, which of course depends on the intensity of the situation. It is advisable to choose a flexible leadership style with the ability to use different tactics depending on the need.

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