Deploying Solar Power for Off-Grid Living

off grid solar

Many have considered living off the grid, but aren’t sure if it’s right for them or not. The biggest draw is electricity or utility bills, as generating power using off-grid solar panels is a breeze. It’s not as simple as installing off-grid solar though, there’s a lot more to consider.

However, it is possible to live comfortably off the grid, and many have found success with this lifestyle. The combined methods will give all the energy one needs.

Solar power is often the first option that comes to mind for people exploring an off-grid life. Off-grid solar power is a form of solar power that uses photovoltaic solar panels strategically placed on the property, as well as other necessary components to include the inverter and batteries. For anyone who lives in a place where there is a lot of sun, off-grid solar power is the perfect option.

Another advantage is that this type of system needs very little maintenance and is inexpensive compared to other types of energy. It’s rarely beneficial to run an entire home on off-grid solar, but a professional can help weigh options to include adding solar-storing batteries for the dreary days.

Creating solar energy off the grid with wind
Wind turbines are another great option when it comes to off-grid solar power. If the average wind speed in the area meets the requirements for these structures that come in residential sizes, then quite a bit of power can be generated. Do not think that size does not matter when choosing a turbine, it plays an important role. Various sizes can power anything from a few appliances to an entire home.
• 400 watts = some appliances
• 10,000 – watt = power for an entire house

However, the size of these turbines influences whether or not they can be used, as the 10,000 watt one is 23 feet tall but is mounted on a tower that exceeds 100 feet. In the country this may be possible, but in a small town it will be difficult.
Be sure to weigh the positives and negatives of using wind power in conjunction with off-grid solar power or alone. Without wind, there is no energy if this method is not complemented. They also require more maintenance than solar power systems. However, if you live in a place where there is always a constant breeze, you can save a lot on electricity.

Micro hydroelectricity

Although not common, micro hydropower has become popular when there is a source of running water. Anyone who lives near a river or stream can get electricity from a turbine at the bottom of the system that moves from the flowing water.
OF the three methods; wind turbines, solar systems and off-grid micro-hydro, micro-hydro is the most cost-effective. Those who have observed them in action say they generate up to 100 times more power than photovoltaic solar panels if the water source is constantly running, and cost the same to implement in most cases.

Also, due to constant power, multiple batteries are not needed for storage, saving even more money. If one has a stream at their off-grid location, then they can really benefit from implementing this type of system.

Use equipment efficiently

It’s true that for every dollar of energy conservation, up to five dollars are saved on energy-creating equipment. Efficient use means there are savings on buying pointless equipment. A professional off-grid solar company and other methods mentioned can help build a plan that will result in greater conservation.

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